Tuesday, February 19, 2008

He will always be my baby!!

I took Zachary to RE tonight at church. He sure loves it. He comes out of class so happy and eager to tell me what he has learned. He learned all about the last supper and the meaning of the bread of Christ. He is such a blessing and is such a happy kid most of the time. Right now he has a cold and is not feeling his best. Im wondering if he should go to school tomorrow because he is still awake with the sniffles. Poor kid!!

Yesterday we went to the Renaissance Festival with Marlie and her family. We had fun but it was very expensive and very crowded. The kids got to see a sword swallower though and thought that was cool. I forgot my camera though and I wanted to put up some pics. Sorry!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

We didn't have a very exciting week except that we got new carpeting throughout the house. It's really beautiful!! It makes the house feel so new and clean. It was a headache moving everything but well worth it. I also bought a few pictures and moved things around a bit just for a change. Our house has been on the market since July and doesn't look like its going to sell so I thought I could change the decor a bit to get out of a rut. Fun! Im loving it!!

Johnny had his first football game on Saturday. Really fun watching him have so much fun! Drew and Ryan played right before him but I couldn't get off work early enough to see them (bummer). His games are interfering with his play rehearsals. but Im hoping he will be able to do both.

Nicole made us a really nice enchilada dinner with her girl scout troop. We really loved it! She loves to cook. I don't know where she got this artistic side from. She loves Art, Cooking, acting and even singing.

Zach is excited because he just learned how to tie his shoe tonight. He had to call Daddy and brag. He has been pretty sick with an ear and sinus infection but I think he is starting to feel better.

Have a wonderful week to my wonderful friends and family.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Can't wait to watch the game . We were invited to Ciannas for a party but the kids are sick so we are just going to stay at home. John took Zach to the NFL experience at the new football stadium in Glendale where the Super Bowl game will be. He had so much fun running relays, throwing a football, and seeing the football players walking around and doing their cable tv shows.

I had fun playing Bunco and LRC with the ladies from St. Mary Magdelene. What a fun group! I needed a night out. Yesterday we went to lil Ryans 7th birthday party. Cherie had a real nice party.

Have a blessed week.