Tuesday, February 19, 2008

He will always be my baby!!

I took Zachary to RE tonight at church. He sure loves it. He comes out of class so happy and eager to tell me what he has learned. He learned all about the last supper and the meaning of the bread of Christ. He is such a blessing and is such a happy kid most of the time. Right now he has a cold and is not feeling his best. Im wondering if he should go to school tomorrow because he is still awake with the sniffles. Poor kid!!

Yesterday we went to the Renaissance Festival with Marlie and her family. We had fun but it was very expensive and very crowded. The kids got to see a sword swallower though and thought that was cool. I forgot my camera though and I wanted to put up some pics. Sorry!


Webb Family said...

He was such a beautiful baby! They grow up way too fast.

Cheryl said...

I love his dimples. He was such an adorable baby.

hummingbird said...

We're so glad you are taking the time to keep everyone posted on your family activities.
Love the pix of Zackie. He is soooo darned cute!
Keep up the good work.
Love Mom

Susan said...

That is the cutest picture of Zachary! What a sweet little guy and so handsome. I hope he is feeling better---the flu that is going around is bad and it just takes forever to feel better. You are such a good Mom.